Release Notes

  • v0.8 first release notes 2018-04-20 - implementation of PATCH request method on MambuStruct - implementation of MambuTask entity and MambuTasks iterable - v0.8.1 and v0.8.2 are identical to v0.8.1

  • v0.8.3 2018-05-22 - MambuStruct convertDict2Attrs constantFields added ‘email’ - mambuuser unittests - mamburoles module - MambuUser setRoles() method - MambuTask close() method

  • v0.8.4 2018-07-18 - Sphinx documentation and ReadTheDocs site

  • v0.9.0 2018-08-06 - reallocation of modules in packages according to functionality

  • v1.0.0 2018-08-31 - support for Python 3 ready!

  • v1.1.0 2018-12-16 - config parsers for a better configuration of MambuPy

  • v1.1.1 2018-12-17 - argparse to override configuration of MambuPy from command line

  • v1.2.0 2019-01-21 - MambuStruct now holds a copy of the args and kwargs originally

    passed to the constructor, so they may be reused on future calls of connect() method

  • v1.2.1 2019-02-18 - MambuStruct catches correctly requests errors and throws

    MambuCommError only on that cases. Any other exception is re-raised again.

  • v1.2.2 2019-02-19 - gettasksurl now support limit and offset params

  • v1.3.0 2019-03-06 - orm schema_tasks script added. - rest added properties to each Mambmu entity to support

    instantiation of attributes with a default related-entity class, allowing overriding this with your own related-entity classes.

  • v1.3.1 2019-03-15 - bugfix on MambuStruct.__init__, urlfunc parameter should be

    treated almost at the end

  • v1.3.2 2019-03-27 - get method for dict-like MambuStructs

  • v1.3.3 2019-05-01 - AllMambuProducts singleton py3 compatibility

  • v1.3.4 2019-05-16 - add support for DELETE method on MambuStruct connect()

  • v1.3.5 2019-05-28 - add Mambu Savings related entities (unit test still TODO)

  • v1.3.6 2019-06-11 - MambuStruct convertDict2Attrs constantFields added ‘description’

  • v1.3.7 2019-07-30 - Auth paramos for backup_db func were incorrectly set

  • v1.3.8 2019-08-26 - change import builtins for unicode to a more generic way of

    importing it

  • v1.3.9 2019-10-30 - MambuGroup support one address via preprocess

  • v1.3.10 2019-12-09 - MambuStruct support to update info via PATCH and POST

  • v1.3.11 2019-12-10 - MambuGroups support to create Group entities in Mambu

  • v1.3.12 2019-12-11 - MamguGroups support to update Group entities in Mambu

  • v1.3.13 2019-12-13 - MambuClient support to update Client entities in Mambu

  • v1.3.14 2020-01-09 - MambuGroup method addMembers

  • v1.3.14b 2020-01-09 - MambuGroup method addMembers update MambuGroup once members are added

  • v1.3.15 2020-01-24 - mambuutil.backup_db GET call to Mambu needs application/json headers

  • v1.4 2020-01-30 - ORM gets Centre table

  • v1.5 2020-02-20 - URL function for loan accounts’ custom information

  • v1.6 2020-02-24 - setHolder getRoles=True instantiates Clients with fullDetails=True

  • v1.7 2020-03-05 - Accept Headers for all requests, using v1 API Accept Header

  • v1.7.1 2020-04-03 - Update method comes from parent class MambuStruct, it connects to

    Mambu to refresh info of updated data in the internal structures of MambuPy

  • v1.8 2020-05-04 - Implement __contains__ in MambuStruct so that you can use in operator

  • v1.8.1 2020-05-11 - init method tries to initialize the entid property

  • v1.8.2 2020-07-03 - Use of items() instead of iteritems in dictionaries - Atribute rescheduledAccountKey was added to orm LoanAccount - gitlab CI coverage tests

  • v1.8.3 2020-09-05 - Classes CustomFieldSet and CustomFieldSelection were added for ORM - New setBranch method MambuUser

  • v1.8.4 2020-10-30 - mambuloan missing import datetime fixed

  • v1.8.5 2020-12-16 - Path in Unittests script fixeed to run from root directory

  • v1.8.6 2021-04-14 - Add a mambuclintclass for clients set under MambuLoan.setHolder

  • v1.8.7 2021-05-04 - Backing up Database dump from Mambu, save file using “wb” mode May the 4th be with you!

  • v1.8.8 2021-05-18 - MambuUser update and updatePatch methods

  • v1.8.9 2021-06-16 - Add urlfunc to each element obtained during iterable element init - MambuStruct.connect() json.loads ValueError now raises MambuError with body content - Codesmells fixes

  • v1.8.10 2021-06-29 - MambuStruct connect() retries on Mambu 500 errors, throwing MambuCommError on RETRIES limit

  • v1.9.0 2024-02-05 - MambuCentre setBranch() method to get the MambuBranch to which the Centre belongs

  • v1.10.0 2024-03-05 - MambuTask create() method to create a MambuTask

  • v1.10.2 2024-03-06 - bugfix MambuTask close method, there’s no ‘task’ in the attrs of a MambuTask

  • v2.0.0a1 2022-02-18 - support for Mambu API REST v2, work in progress… check api directory - using a loan account as a sample for all development… - support for instancing (get and get_all endpoints) - support for instancing through search - custom fields in entities - upload attachments - update of entities

  • v2.0.0a2 2022-02-23 - Mambu API REST v2, support for creation of entities

  • v2.0.0a3 2022-03-08 - Mambu API REST v2, support for patching entitites - MambuAPI REST v2, MambuGroup entity - MambuAPI REST v2, MambuClient entity

  • v2.0.0a5-dev1 2022-03-15 - MambuApi REST v2, MambuBranch entity - MambuApi REST v2, MambuCentre entity

  • v2.0.0a5-dev2 2022-03-16 - MambuApi REST v2, MambuUser entity

  • v2.0.0a5-dev3 2022-03-17 - MambuApi REST v2, MambuProduct entity

  • v2.0.0a5-dev4 2022-05-09 MambuApi REST v2 - MambuEntities complete:

    Client, Group, LoanAccount, Product, Branch, Centre, User, Task

    • MambuValueObjects complete: Address, IDDocument, DisbursementDetails, UserRole, GroupMember, GroupRole

    • Interfaces complete: writable, searchable, attachable

    • Entities complete: installment, entityCF

    • extract and update VOs

  • v1.8.13 2022-05-16 - BUGFIX MambuLoan setHolder() getClients if-branch was not

    defaulting mambuclientclass to MambuPy’s MambuClient

  • v2.0.0a5-dev5 - automatic and controlled instantiation of all nested Mambu

    Entities inside other MambuPy Entities

    • dynamic creation of get_ methods for individual nested Mambu Entities properties

    • further documentation improvements

  • v2.0.0b1 - MambuTasks and MambuLoans have special entities instantiation

    methods for taskLink and accountHolder properties.

    • First beta of MambuPyv2 release

  • v2.0.0b4 - changeState endpoint added for Mambu Loans

  • v2.0.0b5 - GET customfields endpoints - commentable interface: get and post comments on Mambu entities - rest1to2 (aka restito) adapter to use MambuREST v2 with

    MambuPy v1 interfaces

    • solved several codesmells

  • v2.0.0b7 - MambuCustomField entities with endpoints - rest1to2 adapter improvements on mambustruct - codesmells refactor - v2 requests with retry mechanism - v2 requests with optional list requests for pagination - bugfix: v2 MambuUser filters don’t use branchId always

  • v2.0.0b8 - Commentable interface bugfix: new comments go to the beginning.

  • v2.0.0b9 - Commentable bugfix: some entities weren’t inheriting from the right place.

  • v2.0.0b10 - CustomFields getEntities support - Linked type CustomFields getEntities instantiates MambuEntity - MambuRole entity - REST connector user credentials to mambu, besides default, supported

  • v2.0.0b11 - MambuLoans approval and disbursement methods. - bugfix: tzattrs for VOs - utils directory for scripts using MambuPy for certain use cases - updating CFs’ values shouldn’t touch entities.

  • v2.0.0b12 - utils module for utility scripts that user MambuPy - utils deactivate users script

  • v2.0.0b14 - MambuLoan disbursement uses tzattrs for default TimeZone

  • v2.0.0b15 - bugfix: apiv2 patch when adding nonexistent field in entity.

  • v2.0.0b16 - reject loan accounts - close loan accounts - repay loan accounts - logging enabled propagating logs to whomever uses MambuPy - MambuPyv1 prevent user and password leaked on request URL when sent via kwargs - apipagination configuration added. Defaults to 50 as per “Optimizing data extraction from Mambu via APIs” analysis

  • v2.0.0b17 - bugfix: new entities need a default connector

  • v2.0.0b18 - provide default tzattrs in entities init - allow more tzattrs to be appended to the default ones - mambuclient already has default_tzattrs (useful for blank client creation)

  • v2.0.0b20 - requests library upgrade

  • v2.0.0b21 - mambugroup already has default_tzattrs (useful for blank group creation)

  • v2.0.0b22 - upgrade request-toolbelt requirement

  • v2.0.0b23 - mambuloan already has default_tzattrs (useful for blank loan creation)

  • v2.0.0b24 - mambuloan writeoff method

  • v2.0.0b25 - odd patch versions are lite that only supports REST API, no ORM

  • v2.0.0b26 - even patch versions are full that supports REST API and ORM

  • v2.0.0b27

  • MambuEntityCF list (GROUPED) cfs may have values with different sets of CFs, all allowed in the group. This version traverses all values searching for all the CFs in the Group, instantiating the correspondent MambuCF. It ignores the _index key, since it’s not part of a CF, it’s just part of the GROUP meta-information

  • v2.0.0b28 - ORM support with v2.0.0b27 features included in REST API

  • v2.0.0b30 - MambuCentre v2 assignedBranch field allows get_assignedBranch() method

  • v2.0.0b32 - REST connector httperror raises MambuError, different Mambu error responses. - v2 code black linting

  • v2.0.0b34 - MambuEntity._extract_field_path for patch operations returns “/field_name” by default.