
MambuProduct entity: a MambuEntity struct for Products.



MambuProduct entity

class MambuPy.api.mambuproduct.MambuProduct(**kwargs)[source]

Bases: MambuEntity, MambuEntityWritable, MambuEntityAttachable, MambuEntityCommentable

MambuProduct entity

__abstractmethods__ = frozenset({})
__module__ = 'MambuPy.api.mambuproduct'
_abc_impl = <_abc_data object>
_filter_keys = []

allowed filters for get_all filtering

_ownerType = 'LOAN_PRODUCT'

owner type of this entity

_prefix = 'loanproducts'

prefix constant for connections to Mambu

_sortBy_fields = ['creationDate', 'lastModifiedDate', 'id', 'productName']

allowed fields for get_all sorting

classmethod get(entid, get_entities=False, **kwargs)[source]

get, a single entity, identified by its entid.

  • entid (str) – ID for the entity

  • get_entities (bool) – should MambuPy automatically instantiate other MambuPy entities found inside the retrieved entity?


instance of an entity with data from Mambu

classmethod get_all(filters=None, offset=None, limit=None, paginationDetails='OFF', sortBy=None)[source]

get_all, several entities, filtering allowed

  • filters (dict) – key-value filters, dependes on each entity (keys must be one of the _filter_keys)

  • offset (int) – pagination, index to start searching

  • limit (int) – pagination, number of elements to retrieve

  • paginationDetails (str ON/OFF) – ask for details on pagination

  • sortBy (str) – field1:ASC,field2:DESC, sorting criteria for results (fields must be one of the _sortBy_fields)


list of instances of an entity with data from Mambu


get again this single entity, identified by its entid.

Updates _attrs with responded data. Loses any change on _attrs that overlaps with anything from Mambu. Leaves alone any other properties that don’t come in the response.