Source code for

# coding: utf-8
"""Mambu loan Repayments objects.

.. autosummary::
   :toctree: _autosummary

MambuRepayment holds a loan repayment. Don't instantiate this class
directly. Look at MambuRepayment pydoc for further info.

MambuRepayments holds a list of loan repayments.

Uses mambugeturl.getrepaymentsurl as default urlfunc

from ..mambugeturl import getrepaymentsurl
from .mambustruct import MambuStruct
from .mamburestutils import MambuStructIterator

mod_urlfunc = getrepaymentsurl

[docs]class MambuRepayment(MambuStruct): """A loan Repayment from Mambu. Don't instantiate this class directly. It's mostly used by MambuRepayments to configure each of its elements as MambuRepayment objects. There's no suitable urlfunc to use to retrieve just a specific repayment from a loan account. In fact, you can look at the code of MambuRepayments.convert_dict_to_attrs(), it uses urlfunc and entid = None , so no connection to Mambu will be made, never, for any particular MambuRepayment object. """
[docs] def __init__(self, urlfunc=mod_urlfunc, entid="", *args, **kwargs): """Tasks done here: Just initializes the MambuStruct. """ MambuStruct.__init__(self, urlfunc, entid, *args, **kwargs)
[docs] def __repr__(self): """Instead of the default id given by the parent class, shows the duedate of the repayment. """ return self.__class__.__name__ + " - duedate: %s" % self["dueDate"].strftime( "%Y-%m-%d" )
[docs]class MambuRepayments(MambuStruct): """A list of loan Repayments from Mambu. You SHOULD give an entid at instantiation time: the id for the loan account which repayments you wish to retrieve. Makes no sense to send an empty entid, which throws a MambuError. """
[docs] def __init__(self, urlfunc=mod_urlfunc, entid="", *args, **kwargs): MambuStruct.__init__(self, urlfunc, entid, *args, **kwargs)
[docs] def __iter__(self): return MambuStructIterator(self.attrs)
[docs] def convert_dict_to_attrs(self, *args, **kwargs): """The trick for iterable Mambu Objects comes here: You iterate over each element of the responded List from Mambu, and create a Mambu Repayment object for each one, initializing them one at a time, and changing the attrs attribute (which just holds a list of plain dictionaries) with a MambuRepayment just created. You send a None urlfunc and entid to each MambuRepayment, because there's no method to retrieve individual repayments from Mambu, nor each individual repayment is identified by a particular ID. """ for n, r in enumerate(self.attrs): # ok ok, I'm modifying elements of a list while iterating it. BAD PRACTICE! try: params = self.params except AttributeError: params = {} kwargs.update(params) try: self.mamburepaymentclass except AttributeError: self.mamburepaymentclass = MambuRepayment repayment = self.mamburepaymentclass( urlfunc=None, entid=None, *args, **kwargs ) repayment.init(r, *args, **kwargs) repayment._MambuStruct__urlfunc = getrepaymentsurl self.attrs[n] = repayment